Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company Sudbury Essex - Suffolk Border

Equestrian, Garden and Commercial
Land, Grounds & Paddock Services
along the Essex - Suffolk Border

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Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company Sudbury Essex - Suffolk Border

Bowman and Son

Equestrian and Commercial Land &
Paddock Management around
Sudbury, along the Essex - Suffolk Border

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Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company Sudbury Essex - Suffolk Border

Equestrian and Commercial Land &
Paddock Management around
Sudbury and along the Essex - Suffolk Border

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Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company Sudbury Essex - Suffolk Border

Bowman and Son

Equestrian and Commercial Land &
Paddock Management around
Sudbury and along the Essex - Suffolk Border

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Equestrian & Paddock Services
Essex - Suffolk Border and Tendring

Equestrian Solutions
that are customised around you ...

Our equestrian services are available around Sudbury, Hadleigh, Ardleigh, Dedham, Tendring and along the 
Essex - Suffolk Border and range from paddock maintenance, stable planning and building, fencing, hard standing and gates to horse walkers and menages. We can talk through all your needs and custom design your land to best suit you and your horses. For more information on Fertilising and Spraying 

see our Paddock Services page.



Paddock Repair and Seeding

Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex

Paddock Repair and Grass Seeding

We can over-seed which is important to repair heavily grazed areas and paddocks that need to be refreshed with new grass. 

We can also supply a range of grass seeds including Laminitis mixes which are low in sugar, high in fibre and provide therapeutic herbs and wild flowers.

Our Paddock Renovator can assist with surface drainage and also harrows out thatch and moss which in turn rejuvenates and assists in new sward growth.

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Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex


  • Post & Rail
  • Stock Fencing
  • Electric Fencing
  • Gates

For horses, fencing is one of the most important aspects. The wrong type of fencing can lead to injury or escape.

We specialise in different methods of fencing to best suit your needs and your budget.

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 Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex

 Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex


 Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex

 Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex



Horse Walkers

  • Custom Made
  • High Quality Finish
  • Durable, Rubber Floor
  • Quality Post & Rail,

In most modern yards horse walkers are a must. They not only offer you the option to warm up or cool down your horses, they can be used for rehabilitation and for horses who need regular extra work.

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 Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex

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 Menages & Arenas

Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex

We can create a range of Menages, finished with quality post and rail fencing and using a variety of surfaces to suit your needs. We can offer a complete service on both new projects and refurbishment of existing arenas. From excavation to drainage through to fencing, pathways, landscaping and arena surfacing... 

Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex

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 Weed & Moss Control

Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex

Weeds and moss in paddocks are competition for grass. Whether your paddocks are for grazing or hay growth can be compromised, therefore you would end up spending more on hay and feed. Weeds such as ragwort are poisonous and must be controlled under the Weeds Act 1959. Fertilising can help reduce the weed population as some weeds such as buttercups often take over the grass in poor soil conditions, you may notice this in flooded areas.

Spraying - Broad leaf weeds are generally treated between April and 
September depending on the weather patterns and 
seasonal timings. Moss control is best treated between October and March when the weather is cooler but not frosty. 
Soil Quality - We can also arrange soil PH and nutrient testing which is sent off for analysis and we can then apply the necessary elements to 
correct any problematic soil quality's.

For more information on fertilising please see our PADDOCK page....

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Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex

Equestrian Paddock Management - Paddock Size and Overgrazing 

Small paddock sizes and overgrazing can lead to poor grazing conditions for your horse(s). The recommended grazing area is 1.5 acres per horse. This allows for resting and rotation of grazing paddocks and limits damage to paddocks due to intensive grazing and excessive footfall in high traffic spots.

Observations of overgrazing on small paddocks:

1: There will be heavier poaching at gates and fence lines leading to little or no grass, which can cause soil structure issues and erosion, inhibit water run off and creates large areas where grass will be unable to grow.

2: You will see higher weed and moss population leading to the need for chemicals to be used to control them.

3: Your horse could be undernourished leading to the chewing of fencing to try and abstract nutrients in other ways. This could also lead to horses breaking out of paddocks to reach better grass, often resulting in horses reaching unsuitable and dangerous pasture. 

4: This will cause a significant increase in costs due to the need to replace damaged fencing and increases the risk of entanglement from makeshift fencing. 

5: It becomes harder to maintain paddocks mechanically and treat weeds, especially under fence lines.

Example of an overgrazed, poorly managed plot. 

2.3 acres  - 7 individual paddocks - 5 horses 
Area of no grass approximately in each paddock due to fence and gate erosion = 276 m²  x by 7 paddocks = 1932 m² = almost half an acre of grazing lost, leaving just 1.82 acres of already valuable grazing area. 

Paddock, Equestrian, Commercial Ground Care and Garden Services company in Colchester and Essex 

We have observed that spreading the load (hoof fall) over larger areas is far more beneficial to grazing potentials.

We understand that sometimes horses cannot be together and sometimes due to dietary restrictions smaller paddocks are sought, but where possible, keep paddocks as open and big as possible and it is always a good idea to have summer and winter paddocks to allow resting. 

Do your paddocks need some TLC ?  WHY NOT GET IN TOUCH WITH US

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